Life is more meaningful when you embrace who you are.
You are blessed with beautiful qualities. It’s important to identify your unique features, love them, and develop them. When you do, you will draw a deep sense of self-worth others only dream of. Let’s do a fun, quick exercise of self-examination.
“If you could see yourself in your full potential, you wouldn’t recognize yourself!” -John C. Maxwell
Potential is something that exists in possibility. It does not yet have a physical reality. But it has the capacity of becoming real.
Potential can be described as dormant power, untapped strength, undiscovered capacities, unused success, unused gifts, hidden talents.
Potential is what you can do, but have not done yet; what you can become, but have not become yet. Potential is the total sum of what you are, but it is not yet revealed or manifested.
>> Write down seven of your positive traits and skills that you already have, at any level, and those you desire to develop more in the near future. Take your time. Think thoroughly. Dig deep.
Passion is a powerful and compelling emotion. It is stronger than desire. Identifying your passions is a way of knowing more about you.
>> Write down the things that you love to and are most passionate about. This is the kind of stuff you can do every day without becoming disinterested.
Purpose has to do with intentionality. Write those things that bring you meaning and purpose. When you do these things you feel a sense of significance and fulfillment. You identify with these activities so much that people may say, “that sounds like you” or “I can you see you doing that” or “that’s totally you!”
You impact your life with every action you take and every change you make. Take every action and make every change necessary that will bring your life into full alignment with the person you were destined to be!
The book Encounter With Your Life Purpose takes you on a wonderful journey to discover your life purpose.
What things in your life exist in potential that you want to turn into reality?