Understanding the Concept of Personal Leadership

For the most part, people view leadership as a quality that is practiced externally. The general perspective is that leadership is something someone does for others. However, leadership begins from the inside out.

Everyone is a Leader

You may have never considered yourself a leader, especially if you are not involved in a position of leadership. You may be an assistant to your boss, so you only see him or her as a leader, but not yourself. You may even be an assistant to your boss’ assistant, so you see yourself as being even further down the chain of leadership.

Leadership is Influence

No one has a greater influence on us than our thoughts. (Read my article Releasing the Power to Lead Your Mind).

Our thoughts are the voice we listen to most. Their influence on us can be uplifting and encouraging, and at times devastating and disempowering.

A thought can stifle a person’s actions and their ability to move forward.

The LIMA Personal Leadership Model

I developed the LIMA Personal Leadership Model to help you tap into your ability to lead yourself, rather than be led by tragedies and circumstances in life or your feelings.  LIMA stands for Leadership, Inspiration, Motivation, Action.

Definition of The LIMA Personal Leadership Model

The LIMA Personal Leadership Model is designed to assist you to gain awareness of yourself as to where you are leading yourself consistently, help you achieve milestones in life or career/business, and create your desired personal changes.

The focus is to help serious individuals like you who want more out of life to master the art of personal leadership.

The concepts of Leadership, Inspiration, Motivation, and Action can be applied to an extensive array of personal and career/business situations.


  • Leadership starts from within, and then it extends outwards.
  • The most important person you will ever lead is YOU.
  • Every part of YOU needs a leader.
  • You are leading yourself every waking moment of your life, regardless of any position or title you may hold, and regardless if you are aware of it or not.


  • A state of inspiration is experienced when a part of you is touched, such as the intellect, the emotions or the will.
  • Inspiration is a source that you may use as motivation to take action.
  • You have sources of inspiration and should identify them.
  • You should define what part of you is touched by the sources of inspiration.


  • Motivation is a force; a fuel that ignites you and moves you to action.
  • Emotional motivation can be so powerful as to overcome physical fatigue.
  • Two powerful motivators are pleasure and pain.
  • You should identify your forces of motivation and determine which is greater, pain or pleasure.


  • Action is an act of the will; you must discover who or what is leading your will.
  • Without changes and actions, your future is your present prolonged.
  • Action brings about the things which you diligently pursue through effective leadership, inspiration, and motivation of self.

The Importance of Leading Your Self

There are many good reasons for increasing the quality of your personal leadership.

Consider several important facts about leading yourself:

  • The most important person you will ever lead is YOU.
  • Every part of you needs a leader:  your mind, your emotions, and your will.
  • You are leading yourself every waking moment of your life, regardless of any position or title you may hold, and regardless if you are aware of it or not.
  • How effectively you lead or serve others depends on how effectively you lead YOU.
  • Where you find yourself today reflects the quality of your personal leadership.
  • The best gift you can give your family, friends, clients, employer, and colleagues is a better YOU.
  • A better you is achieved by effectively and constantly leading YOU.

If you wish to become an effective leader, you first need to master the art of personal leadership.

Imagine what your life would be like if you could master the art of consistently leading YOU!

I can help you do just that.